Advantages of 3D CAD Design Services

Advantages of 3D CAD Design Services

3D CAD Design is a computer-aided designing program. It is recognized software internationally for its widespread editing capabilities.

Going from a plane made line by line, to building parametric solid with a history of operations where you can go back and make a modification, or more recently even work without an operation tree, has been a real revolution in design.

However, the benefits of using a 3D CAD Design are not limited to design alone. To date, the virtual 3D solid is used absolutely for everything, it is supported by:

  • Blueprints
  • Sets
  • CAM systems that calculate the manufacturing program by Numerical Control
  • CAE systems or engineering programs to calculate absolutely everything, from the resistance of the part to the stresses to which it is subjected to thermal studies, through kinematic studies, etc.

A typical use of 3D models is finite element analysis, or FEM (Finite Elements Method), where the ability of parts to resist the stresses to which they will be subjected is analyzed.

This technique consists of establishing a finite number of points joined by vectors that make up a 3D mesh of the geometry of the part. And from these nodes, iteratively, perform the distribution of loads that the part has to support at each of its points.

Once the stresses that each point must withstand have been found, it is compared with the mechanical characteristics of the material of the piece. Thus, being able to verify, and without manufacturing anything, in a computer simulation, whether or not the piece will be able to work under the defined conditions and the deformations suffered.

The main analyzes that can be performed in a FEM system are:

  • Static analysis
  • Nonlinear analysis (plastic deformations, large deformations)
  • Modal analysis
  • Fatigue analysis
  • Thermal analysis

Other more specific applications carry out manufacturing simulations of an entire plant, checking the synchronization of all its processes, which again are based on virtual prototypes.

The advantages offered by 3D CAD Design Services are:

  • Integrated applications that allow the development of the entire process from conception to manufacture.
  • Automatic propagation of design changes to all chain components.
  • Extensive virtual simulation features that allow improving the performance of the products.
  • Automatic generation of machining deliveries and associative tool designs.

We have focused on applications closer to the world of mechanics. But the construction sector has its own analysis software based on the structures designed, the list of sectors with computer applications that use 3D models created in CAD Design systems is extensive.

The advantages offered by 3D CAD Design Services are

And its foreseeable evolution is to have a greater presence in all sectors, to validate products before manufacturing a single piece, without intermediate prototypes, saving time, and reusing over and over again the work developed in previous designs.

Undoubtedly, the virtual world has come to the engineering profession to stay, to be a work tool at the service of the people who design.

A group of engineers is very significant due to its volume compared to the total number of students, who need to know these tools and use them in their careers.

One of the main benefits of 3D CAD Design is its practicality. Today, it is used by many branches including chemical, oil, electromechanical, electronic, civil, technical industries, and architecture.