your idea


The Pregnancy Ball in Product Design Miami

Pregnancy Ball LLC. was founded in 2012. The company envisioned an exercise ball that would be helpful to expectant mothers. GloberDesign felt that we would be able to help expand the design specifications for the product and we delighted to be able to contribute to the process.

Pregnancy Ball Industrial Design
Quality Product Design miami we develop new

GloberDesign Contributions

GloberDesign was ecstatic to be part of the team that helped take the Pregnancy Ball from concept to realization. Our efforts with the Pregnancy Ball included concept sketching, 3D CAD, Design, package design, and manufacturing.

Inside and Out

We here at GloberDesign realized that as good as the product may be, no one just strolling the store aisles will know it unless the packaging screams “Pick me up!”. Product packaging can make or break the best of ideas. It is important to understand how to manipulate package design to increase profitability. The packaging design has to appeal to the customer.

The Writing’s on the Wall….or Perhaps the Ball?

One of the innovative features of the Pregnancy Ball is a series of easy to follow illustrations printed directly on the ball. The step by step guide allows you to ease the aches and pains commonly associated with pregnancy and you can do so simply by checking out the directions on the ball. What could be simpler? The Pregnancy Ball is built with anti-burst technology and is made with materials that are PVC free.

GloberDesign felt that the unique and innovative premise behind the Pregnancy Ball was something we could get behind and put our full effort into. Our talented team of designers and professionals developed concept sketches and 3D renderings that allowed the folks at Pregnancy Ball LLC to see how their product would look and feel. It also gave us an opportunity to contribute to the Pregnancy Ball website design and help create a cohesive concept between the product and the site.
