Computer Aided Design


3D Printing Designs can seem to be a little complicated and confusing. Different software, different materials, different printers, and also various printing technologies are used in making 3D Printing Designs. So if someone is starting 3D Printing, it is very normal to feel like you don’t know what you’re doing. But if you are reading this article, we will help you know what mistakes to avoid and how to make it right in the very first chance.

Mistakes to Avoid During 3D Printing

Do not ignore the material guidelines

All the printing materials are different. These materials can be flexible, brittle, strong, stable, smooth, or rough, and so on. This reflects upon the fact that different materials are used to design different 3D Printing Designs

Know the different printing technologies

Not only the chemical characteristics of printing materials are different from each other, but also the printing technology for bringing the designs into life.

Be aware of the wall thickness

At times, wall thickness might be a little thin so that it may break off easily. While the other times, it might be a little too thick. This ruins the design and the final product.

Do not ignore the file resolution

STL file format is used in the 3D printing software. Both low quality and extremely high-quality files are a trouble to print. It is essential to know the correct size of the 3D product that you are going to print.

Read the software guidelines

3D printing software are not precisely the most straightforward software to use. It is crucial to know everything about the software to make sure that you have the best 3D product design possible. Even if you are using a beginner-friendly software, you might still have problems to create your product. Make sure that you do not ignore the software guidelines.

A Few Basic 3D Printing Designs to Try

Now, we will be taking a look at some of the easiest 3D Printing Designs to make sure you get your projects done very quickly.

1. Personalized Jars

You can turn your old jars into new coffee mugs, vase, or any type of container. +LAB can be used to make these easy designs.

2. Stands for your smartphones

These are some of the most effortless creations you can make through a 3D printer.

3. Keychains

Make different designs of keychains using a 3D printer, these are easy to make and could be created in large variants

4. Crab Drone

Make these incredibly cool looking six-legged creatures with your 3D printer and spy on everyone around you.

5. Toothbrush travel case

Keep your toothbrush clean wherever you take them by creating the toothbrush travel case.
These were only a tiny portion of the endless creations that could be made using a 3D printer. There are many uses to a 3D printer, such as the creation of a prototype of any kind of product that you might be planning to create. These are an effective way to turn your idea into reality at an extremely low cost.