Have Any Ideas For Invention? Protect It Now!

Internet is the excellent tool that widely helps to obtain data and information about the services. However, you can find numerous product development companies in San Francisco; Globerdesign holds the top professionals and engineers to handle your inventions. If you really have a great idea and want to protect and make it real, then contact Globerdesign immediately. It is the most popular product development firm and one stop solution for all your product needs. You can get excellent services and patent attorney helps to turn your invention into actuality. With the recent technological advancements, Globerdesign will make your product effortless within no time.

As the legal professional company, you can your ideas for invention to secure it from theft or copying. An invention must undergo the process of designing, protecting as well as commercializing the inventions.

Design an invention:

Initially, it is necessary to design a product. Our professional product developers can help you to design, create a working model of the product prototype, create CAD for manufacturer and develop professional presentation resources that help you to patent an application and to sell the idea to investors.

Protect an invention:

Each and every invention need to be protected by means of a process called patenting. Here, you can receive various types of patent from Globerdesign that include plant patent, utility patent, design patent and helps to file the provisional patent application. We have a separate patent attorney team to patent any ideas for invention. Along with patents, Globerdesign also handles intellectual property protection such as books, sayings, works of art, songs and much more can be easily protected either by copyright or trademark protections. Generally, protecting the invention via the patent process always begin by conducting the patent search as well as filing the patent application. Globerdesign offers affordable patent service and solution to the needy. We assist you to turn ideas into real products. Patent searches are recommended to assure that the idea is patentable and indeed unique. During the patent search, you can also discover the ideas which are similar to others. This process helps you to fine tune the invention before inventing money and time on filing patent application.


Globerdesign have the patent invention experts to help clients with their ideas for invention. We consulted so many companies with patenting and whole product design stages. Just visit our site to explore more about our product design and development service in various fields.

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